Inflammation is a very hot topic these days and it’s considered as the underlying common denominator for a huge number of chronic diseases. It’s important to understand inflammation; both the beneficial role it plays and the ways in which chronic inflammation harms us. Even more important is to know what we can do to incorporate the best anti-inflammatory foods and supplements into our diet so that we can mitigate the effects of chronic inflammation.
It’s important to remember that inflammation has a very specific role in the body; it’s our natural defense mechanism against viruses and bacteria and is an essential part of the healing process when tissues are damaged. Inflammation that addresses a sudden or occasional problem is called acute inflammation and it helps us to manage remove these irritants and heal. Chronic inflammation is either due to prolonged exposure to an irritant, an autoimmune disorder which attacks otherwise healthy tissues, or a prolonged overactive immune response. Chronic inflammation can last for months or years and can cause extensive damage in the body. Many on a long list of our most common aliments are inflammation related diseases - allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, osteoarthritis arthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), cancer, and heart disease (inflammation of the arteries).
Since chronic inflammation is so prevalent and damaging, it’s important to consciously incorporate anti-inflammatory foods and supplements into our diet. The good news is that there is a long list of very delicious foods, spices and natural supplements that go a long way in our efforts to mitigate the effects of chronic inflammation. When planning meals, work to include critical foods into the things you regularly eat so as to create a sustainable dietary regime. The foods shown in bold below have tremendously important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties while also bringing beneficial A, C, and K Vitamins, along with key minerals.
In terms of safe and natural supplement which creates a very noticeable reduction in inflammation, DeepMarine Collagen is a highly pure, hydrolyzed fish collagen peptide that has potent anti-inflammatory properties. DM works to calm the body’s inflammatory process at the molecular level.
When a molecule called an inflammatory cytokine is released by immune cells, the result is an increase in tissue inflammation. Chronic stimulation and release of these inflammatory cytokines results in chronic inflammation.
DeepMarine is rich in glycine which works to calm overactive immune responses and can dramatically reduce the expression of inflammatory cytokines. The reduction in inflammation is dramatic and very noticeable for people who suffer from OA and RA-related joint pain and inflammation, eczema and other inflammatory diseases. It’s also very helpful for those with inflammatory gut problems and for many with autoimmune related inflammation problems.
DeepMarine is a 100% natural product made from the skin and scales of fish. It’s made from start to finish in Canada and, because it’s made entirely from fish, it’s very safe to use over extended periods and has no side effects like many commonly prescribed medications.