Supplementing with a high-quality, small-molecule, marine collagen has been proven to provide significant health benefits throughout the body. DeepMarine Canadian Collagen has been changing lives by:
Relieving Joint Pain • Increasing Bone Density • Healing Inflammatory Skin Conditions
• Hydrating Skin • Reducing Wrinkles • Improving Gut Health
When you choose DM, you get collagen with the best bio-availability, from the cleanest raw materials, and produced in Canada under the world’s strictest manufacturing standards.
Collagen plays a critical role in joint and bone health as it’s the main component of bone-protein, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Collagen brings both strength and flexibility to these structures and it’s vital for proper function. When we are young our collagen regenerates quickly, but around the age of 25 our body’s ability to produce new collagen begins to decline.
Considering that 75% of your skin is made up of collagen, it’s no wonder that replenishing lost collagen has a profound effect on the way your skin looks and functions.
Although the healing properties of marine collagen peptides are well studied, more recent research is shedding light on how these powerful peptides are working to reduce inflammation and scavenge free radicals in our bodies.
DeepMarine’s Canadian Collagen has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and antibacterial abilities. This works to reduce inflammation, allow epithelial cells in the gut to heal and restore the barrier function of the gut.
Hear first-hand how DeepMarine’s collagen is providing life-changing results to people suffering from osteoarthritis, inflammatory skin conditions, inflammatory bowel diseases, autoimmune diseases and those looking for effective anti-aging solutions. Where traditional treatments for serious conditions often comes with harsh side effects, DM is 100% natural, recognized for its safety with long term use and free of side-effects.
Do you want to know more about DeepMarine Collagen or collagen in general? Here are some common questions asked by our customers. If you can’t find what you are looking for, contact us directly by email or phone and we will be happy to answer your questions.