Shipping Policy and Information
We want your experience with DeepMarine to be easy and beneficial for you. Consequently, we offer free shipping on orders of $59 and over, across the USA.
Shopping from the Canada? Please visit to get free shipping
Please visit our Money Back Guarantee page for refund information.
USA Shipping Rates
Free Canada Post Expedited Shipping (5-10 business days) on orders of $59 and over across continental USA
Orders under $59 are charged a $9.00 flat rate shipping fee and parcels are shipped by Canada Post Expedited Shipping (5-10 business day delivery time)
Canada Post Xpresspost (2-4 business days) cost is calculated in your cart and is dependent on your shipping address
Canadian Shipping Rates
Shopping in Canada? Please visit to get free shipping
Where do you ship in the United States?
We are able to ship to all lower 48 states. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to Alaska or Hawaii.
Please note that we do not pay any duties that might be levied by Customs and Border Services. We also can not control whether they open and inspect packages that move across the border. You may be responsible for paying import duties or other fees. Please make sure you are familiar with the US Customs & Border Protection internet purchases guideline.
Shipping FAQs
How will I know when my order has been shipped?
We will send you an automated order confirmation via email when you have successfully placed your order and another automated shipment confirmation when the parcel is shipped from our warehouse. This shipment confirmation email will contain your associated tracking number. Please contact us if there are any discrepancies or problems with your tracking information.
How long will it take to get my order
Typical delivery time for free expedited shipping is 5-10 business days after your parcel leaves our warehouse. Our Xpresspost option takes 2-4 business days after leaving our warehouse.
Our warehouse team will do their best to pack-up and move your parcel out of the warehouse within 2 business days from the purchase date. *Please note that during times of higher volume (i.e. Black Friday and Boxing Day) these approximate times will increase to upwards of 4 business days. Please contact us if you are experiencing longer than usual wait times and we will be happy to investigate the matter further.
Reporting Missing/Lost Parcels
If your parcel does not arrive on or before its scheduled delivery date, please allow an extra 1-2 days for it to be delivered. If it still has not arrived after this time, please contact us and we will open a formal investigation to track down your parcel. Please note that as per some courier’s policy, we are unable to open lost/missing parcel investigations after a 90 day period from the date of purchase and will not be able to assist with claims made outside that time frame.